Enhancement Customer Loyalty Via Data Mining Techniques in Yemeni Banks: Review Study
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Artificial Intelligence، Enhancement Customer Loyalty، Customer Churn، ChurnBanking، Intelli- gent Model، ModelYemenالملخص
Artificial intelligence (AI) significantly enhances our daily lives, driving many service and financial institutions to seek optimal utilization of it. This paper addresses the problem, which is the inability of some institutions, such as banks, to satisfy customers using outdated methods and solely focusing on acquiring new customers instead of prioritizing customer retention that would be more effective and profitable to them. The main object of this paper is to enhance the quality of service in banks by proposing an intelligent model that leverages customer data to improve services and foster customer loyalty. This paper was motivated by the limited research on customer churn in Yemen and the scarcity of simple intelligent models globally. The methodology employed in this paper includes an in-depth analysis of existing literature on customer churn. Finally, this paper provides a comprehensive and concise conclusion based on the findings.

كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 Sultan Yahya AL-SULTAN, Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Baltah

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