Investigation of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of ((82-X) Sn –XCu -18 In) % Alloy with X= 1,2,3,4and 5


  • Shaima Ali Ahmed Al-Aghbary Physics Department , Faculty of Science , Sana'a University Yemen.


Sn-xCu-18In alloys, Structure, Creep resistance, Activation energy


Materials Science is  concerned with the development or synthesis of  new materials  . For this reason our interest is focused on the fabrication of  new materials , such as  lead free solder alloys .  Sn-In alloys offer very low melting points and bond well with copper .This study  aims to investigate The Structural and mechanical properties of (82-x)Sn -18In alloys with added copper .The Samples were prepared by melting technology From high purity (99 %) elements tin ,indium and copper .XRD showed the formation of a single phase hexagonal structure with a small copper plane, and  the addition of copper decreased  the particle size of the  (82-x)Sn -18 In. The creep test  results showed that Cu-containing solder alloys exhibited significant improvements in creep resistance. However, the average activation energy decreases with copper addition from 0.322 to 0.247 eV.               


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How to Cite

Al-Aghbary, S. A. A. (2023). Investigation of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of ((82-X) Sn –XCu -18 In) % Alloy with X= 1,2,3,4and 5. Sana’a University Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology , 1(3).