The concept of change and modification and the difference and the relationship between them and their significance in the creation of man on monotheism

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Abdulmaneem Yaseen Al-Shargabi


In this study, the researcher discussed his efforts to bring the concept of (change) and (Modification) to light. In a good formulation - as the researcher thinks it is - the compositions of the linguistic root in all its conjugations are proportional to the origin of the linguistic derivation of each of them. This is what enabled the researcher to find points of convergence between them - (Relationship) - as well as separation, after he fought between them some - who wrote in this art - and others did not differentiate between them; They made them one thing.

Then the researcher projected all these data, with their details and exact reasons, on the principle (the survival of the state in man is impossible) in his creation, his upbringing, and the stages of his development (Growth), as a form of change and change existing in him, which is indispensable for him in preserving his survival for a specified term with Him, Glory be to Him, which is The image indicating the necessity of his need and lack of the divine Sunnah (change and change) that God decreed in him, and if it were not for it, he would not have existed in this existence.

Then the researcher directed the manifestation of this image in the small cosmic body (man) as an indication of the oneness of God Almighty who rose by himself. Since God was and was nothing with Him, and God was and was nothing before Him, without His need, want, and lack of this Sunnah that man has established, then He, Glory be to Him, changes and does not change, annihilates and does not perish, perishes and does not perish.


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How to Cite
Al-Shargabi, A. Y. (2024). The concept of change and modification and the difference and the relationship between them and their significance in the creation of man on monotheism. Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 1(1).