The Impact of The Aggressive war against Yemen on the Financing Facilitating of the Yemen Islamic Banks a Case Study of SABA Islamic International Bank period of 2010 to 2019

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Othman Omar Awadh Batheeb
Mohammed Yehia Yehia Al-Rafeeq


Objective: This study is to assess the Impact of The aggressive war against Yemen at the financing Performance a Case Study of SABA International Islamic Bank during the period between 2010 to 2019 and to define the financial Islamic banks its development and environmental work.

Methodology: A descriptive financial analytical ratios method used, was chosen, consisted To achieve study objectives.

Results: there is an impact of aggressive war against Yemen on all financing products causing drop and limitation of the activity of the bank environment and development factors.

And found a big drop in deposit local currency ratio from 10,50 in year 2010 to 3.01 in 2016 And a drop in Investing of local currency ratio from 6% in 2010 to 1.81% in 2016

Also found a big drop in foreign deposit account from 6% in year 2010 to 2%05, in 2016 and foreign investing accounts dropped from 3.50% in 2010 to 1.21% in 2016

By the other hand a big drop in total financial accounts from 134.955 billion riyal in year 2014 to 77,103 billion in 2017 all this drops in ratios reduce the banks developing circle

Conclusions: This war destroyed the infrastructure of Yemen and stopped the business and if its continue will cause the most disaster in the world Should avail the liquidity by Central Bank to give the investors more confident to run again the economical circulation.

Key Words: Impact, war, financing, Islamic Banks.


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How to Cite
Batheeb, O. O. A., & Al-Rafeeq, M. Y. Y. (2023). The Impact of The Aggressive war against Yemen on the Financing Facilitating of the Yemen Islamic Banks a Case Study of SABA Islamic International Bank period of 2010 to 2019. Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 4(2).