The Ancient Yemeni sword "An applied study of models of artifacts displayed within the holdings of Yemeni museums"

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Maher Abdullah Dabwan Al-Wajih


The results of the comprehensive restriction of what was found in the holdings of the Yemeni museums resulted in the registration of more than twelve metal swords, the majority of which were made from the formation of one piece of iron, and its history dates back, according to preliminary estimates, to the first centuries, at the very least. With regard to the pieces of bronze swords, especially those that are characterized by being crescent -shaped handles; The study showed that these pieces have symbolic connotations as they were used as symbols (ornamental weapons and rituals). In fact, it was not actually intended for use.

 The results of the examination of samples taken from some of the beam swords, which were covered with a thin layer of bronze alloy, indicate that it contains within its metal composition a certain percentage of the gold element. The laboratory analysis also showed the proportions of mixing the rest of the metal elements involved in the bronze alloy composition in which some valuable swords handle, which were inlaid from the sides with tapes and miniatures of gold, ivory, and precious stones.                         


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Al-Wajih, M. A. D. (2023). The Ancient Yemeni sword "An applied study of models of artifacts displayed within the holdings of Yemeni museums". Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 2(2).