The Entertaining Masterpiece by (Mohammad bin Yahya Margham, died 1380 Hijri) Takhmis Al-Manshiya Poem by (Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Jaber Al-Habal, died 1079 Hijri).

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Muhammad Abdullah Yahya Sharaf Al-Din


This study and investigation aims to present the manuscript (The Entertaining Masterpiece by (Mohammad Bin Yahya Margham) Takhmis Al-Manshiyya Poem by (Al-Hasan Bin Ali Bin Jabir Al-Hubal) as its author intended it, then knowing its poetic content in terms of aesthetic and artistic values, with attention to investigating a comprehensive translation by the distinguished author. The poet Muhammad bin Yahya Margham, who died in the year 1380 AH, “from his upbringing, his studies, his sheikhs, his scientific life, and his writings,” thus achieving the presentation of an obscure scientific figure overlooked by biographical books.

As for his poem (The Entertaining Masterpiece), it is considered eloquent poetry, and its language, compositions, images, and imagination kept pace with the Manshiyyat al-Khamsah poem and blended together as if they were one entity.

The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are:

  • Scientific investigation of the entertaining poem.

  • Khamis is a complex poetic process that the poet Margham was able to implement with extremely creative craftsmanship, and this is due to his poetry and his linguistic and compositional ability.

  • Scientific documentation of a comprehensive translation of Margham, as his knowledge was open to the sciences of language and literature, not to mention the religious sciences and his social status, as he used his knowledge to reform society.

The most important recommendations:

  • Calling for attention to studying and investigating Margham’s writings in particular and Yemeni manuscripts in general

  • Adopting the subject (manuscript editing) to be taught at the bachelor’s level in Yemeni universities, taking into account the specificity of specializations.

  • Obliging graduate students in Yemeni universities to study and verify a manuscript.

  • The need to pay attention to verifying Yemeni manuscripts so that researchers and scholars can benefit from them



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How to Cite
Sharaf Al-Din, M. A. Y. (2024). The Entertaining Masterpiece by (Mohammad bin Yahya Margham, died 1380 Hijri) Takhmis Al-Manshiya Poem by (Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Jaber Al-Habal, died 1079 Hijri). Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 3(5), 435–456.