The Zaidi Trend in Writing the Biography of the Prophet in Yemen during the 9th century Hijri/15AD Imam Ahmed bin Yahya Al-Murtada (793-840 Hijri / 1391-1436 AD) is a Model

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Hezam Muthana Saleh Qaasha


This research aims to illuminate the definition of the Zaidi doctrine, its origins, and to clarify the trends and methodologies employed in writing the biography of the Prophet, using Imam Ahmed bin Yahya Al-Murtada as a model through the manuscript "Yawaqit Al-Siar." The research problem centers on understanding the trends in Imam Al-Murtada's historical writings and his approach, which relies on authentic hadiths and is consistent with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.

The study utilizes both descriptive analytical and critical methods. The findings revealed several key results, most notably the emergence of Al-Murtada's personality throughout the manuscript. This is evident in the overall organization of the text, the attention given to numbers and statistics, as well as his efforts in titling chapters and systematically collecting and distributing scientific material.


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How to Cite
Qaasha, H. M. S. (2024). The Zaidi Trend in Writing the Biography of the Prophet in Yemen during the 9th century Hijri/15AD Imam Ahmed bin Yahya Al-Murtada (793-840 Hijri / 1391-1436 AD) is a Model. Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 3(5), 322–344.