Impact of duration of Infertility on the Physiological Viability of Sperms Preparing for Intrauterine Insemination among Yemeni Infertile Males

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Sadeq Saad Abd El Moghny


Background :The duration of infertility should be considered as a factor that may affect the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques (ART).Aim :The aim of this descriptive study was to examine the outcome of infertility treatment in relation to duration of infertility. Methods: Sixty nine couples from Allow in vitro fertilization center (IVF) were involved in this work. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) had been done for all couples using the same ART. Results: The mean age of men was 29.37±0.16 years and the duration of infertility was 4.38±0.25 years with range of 1-12 years. Higher pregnancy and life-birth rates were demonstrated in males suffering from infertility for less than 4 years as compared to those who had infertility for more than 10 years (P<0.003,  r = -0.869). Moreover, abortion rate was higher in men who had infertility for more than 10 years as compared to those who have infertility for less than 4 years (P<0.0014).. The linear life-birth rate, in both IVF centers, shows decrease by increase in the duration of infertility. Conclusion: The researchers conclude that by increase in the duration of infertility the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques –IUI will be decreased markedly. In addition to the duration of infertility, the present work recommended to consider the different techniques of sperm preparation in relation to the ART outcome.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Abd El Moghny, S. S. (2023). Impact of duration of Infertility on the Physiological Viability of Sperms Preparing for Intrauterine Insemination among Yemeni Infertile Males . مجلة جامعة صنعاء للطب والعلوم الصحية, 2(1).

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