Volume Seventeen - Issue Two (2023): Sana’a University Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences

Published: 2023-12-23

Levels of Immunoglobulins among iron deficiency anemic children in Sana’a City Yemen

Sondos A. Al-Ashwal , Dekra A. El-Aghbary , , Mohammed A. Almorish , Abdulrahman M. Alhadi (Author)

A case series study: Corneal lesions and subsequent needs for Corneal Grafting

Horia A. Al Ansi, Butheinah A. Al- Sharafi, Abdul-Razeq Al-Samaraee (Author)

Pre-formulation study of Bisoprolol as fast Dissolve Sublingual Tablet

Esmail Abdualkhaleq Mohammed Shamsan, Ahmed Mohamed Alsabati , Abdalwali Ahmed Saif (Author)

Non-Genetic Factors in Schizophrenia in Yemen

Sami Mohammed Abdo Hassan Al-Sharabi, Hassan Abdulwahab Al-Shamahy (Author)

Outcomes of Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Mohammed Al-Shehari, Yasser Abdurabo Obadiel, Ahmed Salem Bafalia, Haitham Jowah (Author)