Prevalence rate of amblyopia suspect among Yemeni workers
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Background: Defective vision of one eye and strabismus, influence daily life and pertinent to education and occupation. This study outlined the prevalence rate and etiology of amblyopia suspect in Yemeni males who came to fulfill visa applications for works outside the country.
Method: A cross sectional community-based study enrolled adult males, ages 18 to 55 years. From an 8827 visa applicants, sample of (1162) referred to the outpatient clinic for visual clearance, these had defects in visual acuity equal or less than 6/12, glasses wear and abnormal looking eyes, lid or orbit. In the clinic, they underwent documentation of their basic data, unaided, aided vision, refraction, anterior and posterior eye segment evaluation to outline the defective vision cause. The amblyopia limited by unable to see the 6/9 line or worse in one eye after best correcting glasses without any organic eye lesion.
Results: out of (1162) referred for visual clearance applicants, there were (472) eyes, with prevalence rate 5.3%, had amblyopia of variable degrees from could not attain 6/9 in visual acuity to less than 6/60. Among the amblyopic eyes, (411) 4.66% in prevalence rate had a preventable refractive elements with a percentage of 87.08%. These who were drivers would lose their target work. (53) 22.9 % of these having decreased visions were illiterate. The study found (948) 81.6% had no glasses at time of screening. Conclusion: The prevalence rate of amblyopia was high 5.3%, the controllable refractive amblyopia occupied 87.08%.
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