The Attitudes of the EFL Students in the Department of English at the Faculty of Education -Tooralbaha, University of Lahj Towards the Impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques on the Development of their Oral Fluency

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Abdurrauf Mahbob Saif Ali
Fazee Khaled Alezi Al-Muslimi


This study aims at investigating the attitudes of EFL students in the Department of English at the Faculty of Education-Tooralbaha, University of Lahj towards the impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques on the Development of their Oral Fluency. For the purpose of achieving the objective of the study, a survey was used. The sample of the study consisted of 20 students of the second level in the Department of English, Faculty of Education-Tooralbaha, University of Lahj who were trained via the use of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques. They were selected to respond to a close ended questionnaire which consisted of sixteen items. After collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the data, the findings revealed that the NLP-trained students exhibited positive attitudes towards the NLP experiment indicating their perceptions of the optimistic impact of NLP techniques on the development of their EFL oral fluency. Thus, the results verify the research hypothesis holding implications for both EFL students and their teachers. The study highlights pertinent recommendations to contribute to the field of ELT and to underscore the importance of employing such effective methods to enhance EFL students’ oral performance


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How to Cite
Ali , A. M. S., & Al-Muslimi, F. K. A. (2024). The Attitudes of the EFL Students in the Department of English at the Faculty of Education -Tooralbaha, University of Lahj Towards the Impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques on the Development of their Oral Fluency . Sana’a University Journal of Human Sciences, 3(4), 299–311.